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Musical Power Supplies, Inc.

Columbia TN, 38401






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MPS New Projects

Updates 21-JULY-2024

OK- there is a pricelist update.  The main driver for any increases being price changes on the MX made guitar OT parts & increased inbound freight costs from UPS.  Steel for Laminations has doubled in price.  Copper magnet wire too.  I can get imported iron in the same audio grades but in low volume air-freighting it into the US works out about the same.

M-Series Power Transformers
PT winding assemblies were received for the (5) "M" sized power transformers.  Assembled, these all worked correctly to specification. 

The supplier did manage to put all the input and output windings on 1 side of the coil assembly, so the (4) samples I had available after approvals were built into LAYDOWN versions see here-

The winding assemblies ordered were received and a couple of each have been completed & tested and are now in stock.  The PRODUCT page has a PDF drawing for "M-Series" 85VA Power Xfmrs now.  These will be gernerally provided in upright FM200 endbells.  

MARCH update-

I've been catching business from Shop ( the Morgan Amp local HQ.  Joe picked up my small PT190.1 and the OT5PP and OT8SE early last year and has restarted his low power "5" amps.  He's been using the PT285M, OT12PP and OT20PP on his custom projects & he's trying out the OT45PP-JTM/OT50PP-JCM.  Must be doing something right here.  Check out the 5W AC5 here- it's running an OT8SE OT and my smallest PT190.1 power xfmr:

The OT15SE-HF-5K-UL  got tested recently by SKUNKIE DESIGNS Skunkie Designs | Tube Audio Electronics .  Stef ordered more sets and found a lower distortion on the MPS part than what was being seen in the competitive part.  I believe this is the 300B project.. but I have not been thru all of the YouTubes out there to find the specifics.  I'm building a pair now with Z11 lams which allows for a tighter wind with fewer turns than 29M6.  On the bench the Bass response isequivalent and the Leakage Inductance losses are down a third.  On paper... that's all good.

OT19PP-DYN35 update- I've got a couple of pairs done using the current recipe.  They test out at full pretty solidily 24Hz to 40KHz at 17.5W+.  About 15W at 20Hz.  I've decided to run with this version for now using Z11 laminations to make up for the relatively low permeability I saw in 20 versions of current 29M6 in testing with Dave Gillespie.  Like all things in classic audio there's certainly a bit of lost art and perhaps magnetics supply chain decline at work here.  

So a pretty good mix of Guitar Amp and HiFi activity going on now hee in Columbia TN!!!


Prior Update23-FEB-2024

Added an Instagram link to the landing page-   The thought is that we'll share ongoing stories on custom parts, things related to the shop, and perhaps some customer stories in that format.  A good local Amp customer has snagged my 50W JCM OT/PT transformers - I'm interested to see how that turns out.

Notes on Sales- Just a reminder that while there is an EBay Store, there is no direct MPS webstore, you can always contact us by email for a PayPal Invoice and save money on fees and US Sales Tax (except FL & TN).  Anything in stock (EBay) is available directly too.  Many of the standard guitar OT parts are on the shelf in TN in larger quantities than we keep active in EBay.

HiFi Transformers:

OT19PP-DYN35 is our Dynaco ST-35 type PP output transformer.  We have had good results with the Z11 Lam and a bobbin wound version of the original 2400Turn input winding that covers 17.5W at full load from 20Hz to 20KHz (-1dB).  We have limited lamination stock currently but should have plenty in the 2nd half of February.  It can be built with shallow covers for kit and OEM use on Dynaco chassis or with more conventional Full Mount Bells if size does not matter to your project.

There are also (2) Versions of the Dynaco 35W Power Transformer. 
1- PT330.2_DYN35 is the same size as the original Dynaco PT and weighs in just over 4LB. 
Since I use a modern 2-section bobbin for PT safety the lead exits for the mains will have the Hi Voltage or Heater leads as well - we will leave 12IN of lead wire on each PT to help with routing.
The covers are shallow to acheive the original equipment footprint and height.

2- PT330M_DYN35 is on the next larger bobbin (EI-1-1/8) and weighs in a 4.5LB.  Standard covers will be Bahrs HC200 so that the PT core is 180 degrees opposed to the OT's.  It can be ordered in FM100 vertical bells if preferred.  


Other recent New Stuff 

Working on several HiFi projects & now have an assortment of better looking covers for HiFi projects including painted and a polished plated version.


PT330M in the HC200 covers.  Replacing a laydown PT in a Deluxe type amp.


The main shop is now heated/cooled and provisioned!  We are looking forward to more great projects.